Entries by hellolittlelove

Pandemic 2020

It was January of 2020 when I first remember hearing the word “Coronavirus”. It was of little concern to me at this point because it was contained in China, but also because we were working on big goals in our NICU world. Jane was working on bottle feeding and coming off oxygen and Cora was […]

If NICU Walls Could Talk

If NICU walls could talk, they may first speak of doubt and fear, But if you stick around a while, you’ll find there’s much more to hear. – The walls would speak of heavy heartbreak, unfathomable to most, But also, of the miracles  those rooms are privileged to host. – Within those walls, anticipation lurks […]

Going Home

Sometimes I look back and wonder how in the world we managed that first year at home. But when I really recall it all, I see God’s grace in each and every chapter of our story. With every trial, God’s grace was greater, His compassion never failed us, and His mercies were and still are new every single morning.

Stand Still

When Cora and Jane were 10 days old their neonatologist ordered head ultrasounds to be performed to check for bleeding in the brain. This was discussed during medical rounds in the morning, and the team explained that the ultrasounds would be done at some point later that day. Our first daughter, Audrey, who was born […]


Get ready for a very long-winded post. You may as well prepare yourself a hot cup of coffee or tea, find a cozy spot on the couch, and curl up with a warm blanket, because if by chance you stick it out to the end of this post, you’re gonna be here a while! I’ve […]