If NICU Walls Could Talk

If NICU walls could talk,

they may first speak of doubt and fear,

But if you stick around a while,

you’ll find there’s much more to hear.

The walls would speak of heavy heartbreak,

unfathomable to most,

But also, of the miracles

 those rooms are privileged to host.

Within those walls,

anticipation lurks with each new procedure and test,

Oh, how sweet is the relief that’s felt,

 when the outcomes are at best.

Hope is held within one’s heart

 when things are going well,

But disappointment swiftly enters

 when there’s another frightening spell.

There’s defeat and then there’s victory,

and round and round it goes,

Parents try to shield their hearts

 from all the highs and lows.

A blissful scene of calm and beauty

can quickly turn to chaos,

Reminding their littles they must breathe

 before their life is lost.

A sacred dance of grief and joy

 within each room takes place,

A circumstance no one would choose,

 but these parents are forced to embrace.

Frustration, anger, and confusion,

expressed through the language of tears,

Melt away with the grace of a smile,

even laughter is medicine here.

Surely, you can see this NICU roller-coaster,

 is one no parent ever hoped to ride,

but this journey is one they’d never trade,

 for what it built inside.

It’s here, within these walls,

they learn the depth of love

and all it’s conquering power.

For when a love like this exists,

 doubt and fear it will devour.

Within the 4 walls of a NICU room,

 a training’s taking place,

The babies and the parents too,

 overcome each obstacle they face.

Inside these walls, faith grows strong,

and courage soon develops,

For showing up when they’re afraid,

 feels like a mountain they must climb up.

Yes, if NICU walls could talk,

they’d tell you when those families exit,

Out from their room walks a band of soldiers

that refused to surrender or quit.

written by

Melissa S. Kirsch